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UAE: Abortions allowed in 5 cases; all you need to know about the new law

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New regulations have been introduced governing when and how abortions can be performed in the country. The new rules aim to expand the permissible circumstances for abortion while also establishing a regulatory framework to ensure the safety and legality of the procedure. Here is all you need to know about the new law.

Abortions are :

The duration of the pregnancy at the time of the abortion and must not result in any medical complications that pose a risk to the life of the pregnant woman.

The decision on abortion requests shall be made by a dedicated committee that will be formed by Ministry of Health and Prevention (Mohap) or the head of an emirate's health authority.

The committee should :

The committee may seek assistance from experts and request additional documents, before issuing a decision within 5 working days.

The decision shall be either to approve the request for the abortion operation or to reject it, provided that the decision is justified by the approved Fatwa authorities in the State.

The decision must be unanimous and in the case of disagreement of the committee, the matter shall be referred to the Minister or the Head of the health authority.

The pregnant woman, her husband, or her guardian may appeal the committee's decision within 5 working days. The final decision issued by the Minister or Head of the health authority will be binding.

The procedure must be performed at a , by a specialist obstetrician-gynaecologist.

The concerned physicians in the health facility must prepare a report on the case, stating the duration of the pregnancy and explaining the reasons for the abortion, the necessary approvals, and the procedures taken, from the moment the pregnant woman entered the health facility.

The healthcare facility must also provide medical and social counselling before and after the procedure.

Written consent is required from the pregnant woman before performing the abortion operation. If her consent cannot be obtained for any reason, the consent of her husband or guardian is required. In cases of emergency, consent is not required.

If the pregnant woman is a non-citizen, she must have a valid UAE residency permit for at least 1 year before submitting the abortion request.

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